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Life at Blackrock Abbey Nursing Home
Life at our home is composed of many key elements, not least, a dedicated team who strive to deliver high quality care, exciting activities and delicious food for the individuals we support. These services are enhanced by our excellent facilities, which serve to make residents’ time here as meaningful as possible.
Care & Facilities
Our care is as unique as the residents who live with us. We focus on getting to know and understanding the people we care for.
Activities & Events
We provide a large range of activities within the home, tailored to individual desires and group settings.
See how our residents enjoy their days at Blackrock Abbey Nursing Home through images & videos.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who do you cater for?We accommodate residents - female and male, aged over 18 years ranging from those requiring supported independent living to those who require high dependency care. We cater for residents who require Long Term Care Respite Care Convalescent Care. Specific care needs catered for include: General Nursing Care, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Disability, Palliative Care
How do you decide who is suitable?A visit to Blackrock Abbey Nursing Home by the resident and family is encouraged prior to actual admission. Admissions are arranged by appointment following a pre-admission assessment of needs for Long Term Care Residents. This assessment is carried out following a referral and is used to ensure the Nursing Home can provide a service appropriate to potential resident’s care needs. It also ensures that all the necessary arrangements are in place prior to admission. Respite/Convalescent Residents are assessed on the day of admission to the Nursing Home.
What services do you provide?We provide 24-hour nursing care for our residents, supported by our team of Nurses and Health Care Assistants as well as a large and highly skilled team of catering, domestic, laundry, maintenance and administration staff. In addition, a team of social care (activity) staff are also employed. The Multi-Disciplinary team includes Nursing, GP Services, Old Age Psychiatry, Speech and Language Therapy, Tissue Viability, Dietician, Palliative Care, Health Care Assistants and Activity staff. Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy are available by referral to the HSE and where these services are not available to the Resident through the HSE, same can be arranged privately. Residents with medical cards can access GMS services. The nursing home also provides monitoring and access to the various screening services / programmes as appropriate to the individual resident’s needs. On site visits for the following services are either routine or can be arranged / facilitated where required; Chiropody Reflexology Audiology Optical Home Care Podiatry Pastoral Dentist Where not covered by a medical card a cost may apply to the resident for some services.
How do you ensure you know each resident individually?We understand the decision to place your loved one into long-term care can be stressful. At Blackrock Abbey we want to make this transition as smooth as possible. The Director of Nursing is available to meet with potential residents and family to discuss any personal care needs and outline the facilities available. Residents care plans are developed with resident participation within 48 hours of admission. These are individualised and personalised. Residents and advocates are encouraged to take part in developing the care plan. A review of the care plan will be prompted following resident feedback and if any changes in personal needs/ circumstances occur. To ensure we have resident full participation in this process we will communicate with residents/family when a review is required/due and set a mutually convenient time to complete the review process. Residents are welcome to access their care plan at any time by asking the Nurse Manager.
Can the resident have an input into what happens at the Nursing Home and what they attend?There is an active Residents Committee in the Nursing Home who meet on a monthly basis. Family members are also facilitated to participate in meetings on a quarterly basis. The Committee is encouraged and supported to be independent of nursing home staff, however staff actively support the committee when requested. Managers also attend on invitation to discuss matters of interest to the residents. An advocacy service is also available for residents. The service is provided by SAGE. The advocacy officer ensures the service is independent and is provided by volunteers. Residents are invited to complete satisfaction surveys in relation to the care and services provided in the Nursing Home. Feedback is collated and is then discussed at the Management Team meeting. Any suggested improvements are brought to the attention of the relevant managers for appropriate follow up.
What arrangements are made for residents to attend religious services of their choice?Pastoral Care arrangements are provided to meet the residents’ individual wishes and Ministers and Leaders of all Religions and Faiths are welcome in the Nursing Home. Mass is held each Sunday in our Oratory with the Rosary recited by our local Deacon every Tuesday.
Can we visit our loved one when we like?We operate an open visiting policy in Blackrock Abbey, however to protect our residents, we ask that all visitors sign in and out and wait in the designated visitors’ area to enable staff announce their arrival and partake in precautionary infection control measures as appropriate. Blackrock Abbey reserves the right to impose restrictions on visiting arrangements under guidance from Public Health or where the visit or time of visit is deemed to pose a risk or where the resident requests.
What happens if we have a complaint?Centre: Blackrock Abbey Nursing Home Complaints Officer: Livija Alsic, Person in Charge Phone: 042/9321258 Email: The nursing home has a comprehensive policy on dealing with complaints. A copy of this policy is available at admission as well as displayed in our foyer. We welcome all feedback and encourage you to let us know your comments so we can ensure we are meeting your expectations. All complaints made are managed in a timely and professional manner. The Director of Nursing, or her deputy in her absence, is responsible for the management of complaints. If you are not happy with the outcome from any investigations conducted internally on complaints, decisions can be appealed through our appeals process which is outlined in our policy. If a person does not wish to utilise this formal approach, they can express a Concern which will be managed in a more informal manner with the view to ensuring complete satisfaction. If satisfaction is not achieved the concern will be transferred to the formal Complaints process for resolution. Policy Statement: The Centre is committed to delivering best practice services to individual Residents/service users. We encourage the involvement of each individual resident and/or their family/advocates or representatives to ensure we develop and maintain a quality service. Complaints are viewed as an opportunity to inform service provision and to continuously improve the quality of the services as well as to facilitate learning and no re-occurrence. Our aim is to respond to complaints in a timely manner and we attempt to resolve the each complaint locally. In responding to complaints procedural fairness will be maintained and respected throughout in conjunction with an impartial, fair and unbiased investigation being carried out when required. Extract from the Complaints Policy: The purpose of the Complaints Policy document is to detail the guiding principles in relation to the handling of complaints. Specific aims of the policy are: · To safeguard the rights and dignity of the individuals availing of services. · To ensure a culture that supports individuals to speak out and raise issues relating to the service that they receive. · To ensure that there is an appropriate feedback mechanism to promote continuous quality improvement. · To inform individuals of a right of appeal where the complaint is not resolved internally. If a person does not wish to utilise this formal approach, they can express a Concern which will be managed in a more informal manner with the view to ensuring complete satisfaction. If satisfaction is not achieved the concern will be transferred to the formal Complaints process for resolution. Who can make a Complaint Complainant can be a resident, a spouse, a civil partner, a cohabitant, a close relative or a carer of the resident, any person who, by law or by appointment of a court, has the care of the affairs of the resident, any legal representative of the resident or any other person with the consent of the resident. Both SAGE and/or The Patient Advocacy Service (PAS) are available to assist and support residents when making a complaint. SAGE Support & Advocacy Services for Older People, Advocate: John Kerrigan Tel: 01 536 7330 / 086 169 3336 Patient Advocacy Service 0818 293003 How complaints are made Complaints may be made verbally (in person or by telephone) to any member of the supervising staff, or in written form (letter, email, fax etc.) to the designated Complaints Officer, indicated above. Time Limits for making a Complaint: A complaint must be made within 12 months of the date of action giving rise to the complaint or within 12 months of the complainant becoming aware of the action giving rise to the complaint. The Complaints Officer may extend the time limit if there are extenuating circumstances. Procedure to be followed: The Centre is committed to implementing a complaints procedure which ensures that the individual Resident is not adversely affected as a result of making a complaint. He/she will be made aware of their right to appoint an advocate and will be advised on how to do so. All information obtained, arising from the management of the complaint will be treated in a confidential manner. Stage 1 Informal Resolution Verbal Complaints to be addressed within 1 working day Stage 2 Formal Investigation Investigation to be conducted by Complaints Officer and written response issued to complainant within 30 working days Stage 3 · Review Procedure The complainant may seek a review of the outcome of the internal investigation by requesting a review. Review to be conducted by Nominated Review Officer and written response issued to complainant within 20 working days. · Appeals Procedure If complainant is unhappy with outcome of a complaint by both the Complaints Officer and the Review Officer, the outcome can be appealed to the Nominated External Independent Appeals Officer If complainant is unhappy with outcome of a complaint by both the Complaints Officer and the Review Officer, the outcome can be appealed to the Nominated External Independent Appeals Officer The complaints officer will provide details regarding the nominated review officer and the nominated external appeals officer upon request A complainant may also refer a complaint to the Ombudsman which is his/her right at any time during the process. ( (Lo-call: 1890 223 030). Office of the Ombudsman, 18 Lr. Lesson St, Dublin 2. The complainant may also bring the complaint to the attention of HIQA at any time during the process. ( (Tel: 01 814 7400). Health Information & Quality Authority, Georges Court, Georges Lane, Dublin 7. A full copy of Blackrock Abbey’s Nursing Home Complaints Policy is available on request.
Do you provide day care services?Blackrock Abbey Nursing Home does not provide Day Care Services for Day Patients. All services and facilities provided are exclusively for the benefit of the Residents.
How much does it cost?The Nursing Homes Support Scheme is a scheme of financial support for people who need long-term nursing home care. Under the Fair Deal Scheme every person will make a contribution to the cost of their care, based on their means and the State will pay the balance. The contribution which has to be made by each resident will depend on their personal financial situation. Alternatively, your stay can also be paid for privately. The weekly cost of care for the nursing home is determined by the NTPF (National Treatment Purchase Fund). We will be happy to discuss this with you individually and guide you through the process. Applying for the Scheme In order to apply for the scheme you must have lived in the State for at least the last 12 months. There are three steps to the application process. Step 1 is an application for a Care Needs Assessment. The Care Needs Assessment identifies whether or not you need long-term nursing home care. Step 2 is an application for State Support. This will be used to complete the Financial Assessment which determines your contribution to your care and your corresponding level of financial assistance (“State support”). Steps 1 and 2 must be completed by all applicants Step 3 is an optional step which should be completed if you wish to apply for the Nursing Home Loan (this is termed “Ancillary State support” in the legislation). The loan is explained in section 5 of the information booklet linked below. The application form should be completed and signed by the person applying for nursing home care. However, in certain cases, another person may apply on their behalf as explained in the information booklet linked below. Please view the Nursing Home Support Scheme - Information Booklet from the Department of Health. Please click the following link to Nursing Home Ireland's Information Pamplet re the Fair Deal NHI Fair Deal Guide Tax Relief on Nursing Home Fees and for Dependent Relatives If you have to pay nursing home fees you may get tax relief on those payments. Tax relief for nursing home expenses is claimed under the general scheme for tax relief on certain medical expenses. A long-term patient in a nursing home who pays tax under PAYE can apply to have the expenses allowed in his or her tax credit certificate. If part of the costs of the nursing home are shared with other family members or relatives, an individual may claim in respect of the portion paid by him/her. For additional information please contact the Revenue Commissioners Office.

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